Wearing a face covering in shops and supermarkets in England is to become mandatory from 24th July.
Those who fail to comply with the new rules will face a fine of up to £100.
Inline with the use of masks on public transport, children under the age of 11 or people with certain disabilities will be exempt.
According to keepsafe.org.uk you are exempt if
- You have a disability that means you cannot put a mask on.
- You have a disability that means you cannot wear or remove a mask.
- Putting on a face mask would cause you severe distress.
- You use lip reading to communicate, the person supporting you does not have to wear a mask.
- You are using public transport to escape danger.
KeepSafe have created exemption cards to make it clear why you are exempt from wearing a mask. More info can be found on KeepSafe website: https://www.keepsafe.org.uk/posters
The rules will not apply to shop employees but are encouraged to wear a mask.