Bridlington Pool League released a statement saying it would cancel the Winter Season of 2019/20 due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Current standings will be the standings that will be used for Promotion/Relegation of the 2020/21 Winter Season
“To all Bridlington Pool League members
As the government has now advised that people should limit social interaction and not attend pubs, clubs etc. the committee will act upon this new advice by way of ending the winter season with immediate effect. All current standings in each division will be as they stand after last week’s match. All knockout matches which were due to be played in the coming weeks will be postponed until further notice. Presentation night will be cancelled and cups delivered to the team’s venues. The summer season will be set to begin on May 14th – but this will be subject to change depending on any further instructions from the authorities. Thank you for your cooperation in these trying times.” – Bridlington Pool League Facebook Page